Hello to everyone who is still reading this!!!
It is hard to believe that I have been home a month now............Not adjusting is the word i should use.....I should have spent the summer. I find it hard to believe the few people whom have left negative feedback comments......SHAME ON U............................They were all annon.........soooooooooo I deleted u and have the power to delete u again....................WATCH OUT!!!! Make your own blog if u feel so neagative about hallo bay or the whatever u want to complain about..............I look forward to my future in alaska...............Sorry if u just didn't have the time to cut it.........................I may have whimperd or was tired....but I did my job and never got voted off the island as I would say................sound's like alot of people have. BUT that is there problem.......................................U go to alaska to have it change your life.................U go with an open mind.............U go with.........................................I am here...............What else could be less perfect..............................................Now I am home in the real world and it's not fun...............I don't like waiting tables anymore.............................................I just want to live in a snow cave or a cabing somewhere and dissapear................is that such a far fetched wish.............not really.
okay well for all u nay sayers.......bring it on...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The END of my JOURNEY!!!
Well...........it's june 30th. Wow what a journey. It almost didn't happen and got off to a bump start but in the end. I would have not changed a thing. Except stay the whole summer................I want to take the time for all of u whom have read along the way of my journey. It has meant alot that I have the computer here to actually do this out in the middle of nowhere. HALLO BAY is a VERY SPECIAL place. Unless u as a person gets on the plane and u come here. One will never know the amazing trasformation it can have on you and your soul. It's not like a trip to alaska and oooooooooooooh there is a bear on the side of the road or a fox ect. U are in the middle of a HUGE national park. Where everyting comes by plane. Where everyday brings something new. It also gives u time to reflect. That life is toooooooooo short. Also who the hell cares what people think or why did I ever do this. Like john said do this for u. I did and I have made it. I am healthier for being here shapewise that is. And my ZEN so to speak well watch out..........I am so at peace with the world someone better just not be negative. I don't want to be around that. Looks like I will be working one job from now on.................Everyone in their own lifetime has to find that place that can mak u realize that there is more to life than just work and things ect...............I luv glacier national park and the smokies.......and hawaii........and now my ncl cruise ships........But Everyone should be forced to go and do something like this. To wake up the inner u and say helllllllllllllloooooooooooooo are u there. I have lived the dream that a lot of people cannot. Several hundred people appliesd for my job and I have it. I survived..................I have made new friends seen new bears..........and most importantly I have grown for being here. I can never every forget this experince......................I had a great day........and I packed and now without going on and on and on...............................I will wish u all a great day down in the lower 48...............Till I sign in again..............bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
Monday, June 30, 2008
Well Hello all my friends all over the globe whom have been reading this daily. Jen and Andy have a great time in glaicer snow or not!!! Okay.....So it was a very busy day in camp....NO NAP early frieght flight at 8 am lots of fuel...........Then symira came back to camp with 2 of her best friends. Well was I in for a treat. They are witter than me. If u all know what I mean. So I went to the meadow on a private tour with them for 4 hours. WOW we basically spent 2 hours in from of a bear john and I saw last year and her year old cub. WO W WOW WOW they were 9.5 feet from me most of the time.
We measured. The pictures were amazing!!! I was tooooooooo close ...I filled the memory card in one hour..............Then we came home.............it was a sunny day in the meadow..dinner was allready for us. Then her friends had such fun with chris go figure. They wanted to play a trick on me. I was the GUIDE tonite. For all 3. We could not get to the meadow till I answered all the questions about the plants ect. I was the leader down the beach and thru nancy's trail. With my BEAR FLARE in hand. symari did not pull her's out. I was in charge of the radio. Then I had to finds the bears to see and find a safe place to sit. WOW. rosie was napping with her 2 2.5 year old cubs on the flats since it was soo hot. Then 3 sub adults bears...............whom are 5-6 but live together and play together till it's time to grow up.......came into the area..........WHAT A SHOW!!!! Then I ran out of memory ....And the battery
DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then her friends had another task. I had to find wildlife for them.....and take pictures............ and back thru nancys meadow I had to find 2 plant's that only simyra knew where in bloom but not in the flower books....................I FOUND BOTH!!!!! She was blown away because the other guides could not find them..........She waid I was great. If I loose more of my wieght next year I will be a guide at HALLO BAY for the summer. I know there is no cameras!!! But what an adventure...............So tomorrow is my last day. Since I had this big hurrah.............I am soo relaxed .........I am very sad to leave. BUT it has been alot of work..28 day's I will have been here come tuesday.. Tomorrow I have to pack it all up.......But there is one problem.......we have a BIG storm system off to the west over the bering sea. It is not supposed to get here till wed. BUT in alaska the weather u can no predict till u get up the next morning...........especially with the bush pilots.....................
I am going to get some sleep..................I will fill u in more tomorrow..Missing u all...........but not the lower 48................bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's

DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then her friends had another task. I had to find wildlife for them.....and take pictures............ and back thru nancys meadow I had to find 2 plant's that only simyra knew where in bloom but not in the flower books....................I FOUND BOTH!!!!! She was blown away because the other guides could not find them..........She waid I was great. If I loose more of my wieght next year I will be a guide at HALLO BAY for the summer. I know there is no cameras!!! But what an adventure...............So tomorrow is my last day. Since I had this big hurrah.............I am soo relaxed .........I am very sad to leave. BUT it has been alot of work..28 day's I will have been here come tuesday.. Tomorrow I have to pack it all up.......But there is one problem.......we have a BIG storm system off to the west over the bering sea. It is not supposed to get here till wed. BUT in alaska the weather u can no predict till u get up the next morning...........especially with the bush pilots.....................
I am going to get some sleep..................I will fill u in more tomorrow..Missing u all...........but not the lower 48................bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
Sunday, June 29, 2008
48 hours!!!
Well HELLO blog buddies..........................................What a fast day...........it's almost midnite so I will make this short.....Tomorrow I get to go to the meadow to see the bears. The sun has come out......................It was a balmy 52 today...got a sunburn....no kidding..............We had a very busy day here at camp lots of cargo for camp all day. So I am now down another belt loop I have lost 4 inches on the waist. AMAZING!!!....................So I did get my laps in with all the carog comming in today.NO naps today either. Tony has been a great fill in boss while fannie was out. We go alot done. There was a bear on the beach today. Nothing exciting. The WOLVES have been in town...they were howling last nite and there were tracks all over camp and on the beach. So watch out all u spring cubs. I still don't understand why they like to eat the bear cubs. It is very sad. I got to see the pictures of URSULA with her 3 cubs ...........before she lost 2 of them. They were all soooooooo cute. and all had the wishbone on them. Very cool...Well I have a busy day tomorrow. I will let u know how the meadow goes. I am either going out.. monday morn/or tuesday. I will know tomorrow they have to make up there mind.....................
Okay.....................till tomorrow with lots' to type if it is my last day here.
Okay.....................till tomorrow with lots' to type if it is my last day here.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
TGIF!!! with the bears.
Well it's my last friday here at hallo bay. It does not seem possible. I feel like it is sooooooo strange that I have been here for so long and have not gone crazy. Not even missing my tv remote. I do miss the ICE CREAM........:) SO the weather finally cleared this am. We did have a bit of a scare thought we lost a plaen for 1.5 hours they were stuck in the clouds and had to turn around and go back to homer. SO then the sun came out and it was a wonderful 50 today and sunny.. Ursula and her cub urso we rolling around on the beach. I was greedy I didn't take a picture thinkin they would come farther down the beach. They didn't. Those bears can be be sneaky at times. The camp mgr is back in town for her days off...........till next friday for her leg..The camp cook.........well her daughter whom has been with her. She has been voted off the island. She goes home tomorrow. Me I have SURVIVED.....Hauling drinkable human waste to a hill and dumping it................. Also laughing and smiling when people tell a story and then realizing I wasn't listening at all..Crap I hope they don't ask me to reply. The things u do in a wilderness camp. Tony from the office is here. HE was sorry for the mis communication about me leaving.. . I have been invited back to work all next summer. So we shall see. I might be a guide. I think that would be amazing........Well as of now my last full day of work is sunday. I fly out monday. There are guests leaving monday so I know I can get out. Otherwise it would not be till wed. My replacement.....they were hoping to have me train him. don't know if that will happen........................So I will keep u posted..........I know I thought I would have cracked by now. NO I have not EVEN RUN through camp as the streaker..................wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee................So I will fly up to anchorage and then frive back to homer and do some sight EATING..........and seeing....... Yes chris has to stop for the salmon chowder. All you foodies out there.......IT is AMAZING.......So on a finale note. We had a guest who left today. He spent 1 hour 20 min in the bathroom what the HELL was he doing in there for so long. I think her was trying to hide from his wife. The last place I would want to sit for that long is in the outhouse!!!!!
Till tomorrow....................time for my bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
Till tomorrow....................time for my bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
Thursday, June 26, 2008
48 hours of BAD weather!!!
Well it has now been 2 day's since this storm has moved in on us. Just when we think it's starting to let up the winds hit gale force again. The clouds seem to be not as dark tonite. Everyone except 2 guests will be leaving tomorrow. No word on me. I am not buddging. But when the weather gets bad out here there is nothing to do but nap, eat, read, talk, and wish everyone could get the hell outta here. 15 people in the galley all day is a little much. I did get a 2 hour nap in today. So the weather is supposed to break tomorrow. I hope so.........................4 days left for me to work in camp. The last 3.5 weeks have gone by soo fast. We did do something exciting today. THE CLEVIUS...........which is a composting toilet.........we drained it...........not fun it was windy.....................they called me a sissy.......I wanted and needed gloves and a mask....They don't use gloves......I looked it up online..................They said well they don't do it. Well I was afraid I would be voted off the island tomorrow...................................I want to see one finale bear if the weather breaks....symira is supposed to come out tomorrow.....So I am holding her to her promise of getting to go out one last time..............I again thankyou for reading along on my journey. It is not over YET!!!!!!!! So until tomorrow don't forget to put the woodchips and worms in your clevius............and yes they say it is safe to drink.. How about some rootbeer everyone!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Gale Force WINDS!!!!
Hello everyone. Well I am glad I am not paying for this vacation. We have been weatherd in now since last night. Gale force winds since early am.. ... avg 25-40mph..........and light to heavy rains.
We had a break of the rain this morining and well all moved the giant fuel tanks to there places with our rain gear on. I was a little worried but the rain is alot better then skeeters attcking u and the blazing sun. So that job is done. The folks whom are here on vacation now are taking the weather pretty well. I know as I have been told that tomorrow will be alot worse if they are stuck in the galley area. That is the only area during that day that has HEAT!!! I did get a nice 3 hour nap in today. I would be really upset if I was paying thousands of dollars for a 5 day tour and it rained. BUT!!!! thats the chance u take. So I think comming back here on vacation would be a long decsision...............last year only 40 percent of the folks made it for their trips. One group was weatherd in for 10 days. Okay I still don't know If they are having me leave early. I was told by the owners I would be here till mon/tues............but........things change.......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I told them they would have to handcuff me and drag me. I wont go without a fight!!!! So I will keep u posted. Allright no words of wisdom or stories this evening.
I am thinking of everyone wishing I had brought that sleeping pill in case it rains again all day tomorrow................I would just sleep the day away..............For now I will post this early.
Till thrsday everyon....................bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
We had a break of the rain this morining and well all moved the giant fuel tanks to there places with our rain gear on. I was a little worried but the rain is alot better then skeeters attcking u and the blazing sun. So that job is done. The folks whom are here on vacation now are taking the weather pretty well. I know as I have been told that tomorrow will be alot worse if they are stuck in the galley area. That is the only area during that day that has HEAT!!! I did get a nice 3 hour nap in today. I would be really upset if I was paying thousands of dollars for a 5 day tour and it rained. BUT!!!! thats the chance u take. So I think comming back here on vacation would be a long decsision...............last year only 40 percent of the folks made it for their trips. One group was weatherd in for 10 days. Okay I still don't know If they are having me leave early. I was told by the owners I would be here till mon/tues............but........things change.......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I told them they would have to handcuff me and drag me. I wont go without a fight!!!! So I will keep u posted. Allright no words of wisdom or stories this evening.
I am thinking of everyone wishing I had brought that sleeping pill in case it rains again all day tomorrow................I would just sleep the day away..............For now I will post this early.
Till thrsday everyon....................bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
5am Wake up call.......
Well I was not surprised today when someone was at my door at 515 this morning. Sorry to wake u my heater went out. Well........................off I went more fuel lite the heater ect. Then he wanted me to open the galley for him or let him go to the point. I guess he dosen't realize that......hey.....................some of us have to get some sleep...........It gets better. Today at dinner the cook anita..........she tells everyone at her table that I am on a 30 day trial period and I am going home. I was able to correct a few people. To let them know my contract was for 30 days. Who the HELL tells people that. A few of them are allready mad beacuse we have been weathered in. But come on...............Whatever. I have to let it go....................................I did 14 laps on the beach with one bucket in each hand full of gravel. I brought up enough for one base of the fuel tank. We still have another one to do.. But, as in alaska we have a big weather system over us right now the winds have been between 17-21ph most of the afternoon. With rain and it's 41 out. So I am sure somewhere in there is a windchill factor. The weather is supposed to be crappy until friday with high winds. The planes can not fly with the winds over I believe 15 don't quote me. Of course the ceiling is a factor also. It was at 600 feet earlier I think it is even lower now. So there are alot of unhappy campers....The weather is supposed to get worse again over the weekend. So I may be leaving camp early with the window of opportunity. I don't want to leave early. Here is the reason why.......last year a large group was stranded here 10 days because of the weather.......I don't want that to happen..........................yikes........Well I am going to sign off tonite. It is going to be a long nite with the wind. Till tomorrow keep you heaters light and don't wake your camp assistant at 5 am that is if u really know what's good for you
Monday, June 23, 2008
My Last week..............
Wow what a fast day. 8 new campers came to town. Planes were delayed...weather mech. issues ect. So the whole morning into early afternoon were very busy. Then the sun came out. I think it was 48 today. I actually have a good tan going under my burly beard. The new campers HELLO
people this is a wilderness camp. They don't like this, that,the other thing, One asked for running water in the bathroom. Anthoer wanted an extension cord for him room to charge things. Anthoner is a diabetic. He wanted full acess to the kitchen at nite for snacks and to make sandwiches. gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrr.. Then tonite they all wanted to have heat but to leave the window's open to let the light on. I had to tell them if the window is open no heat!!!. ................So they are all here till friday ................But with the joy's of things................there was some bears on the beach in a distance............no nap today. I spent 1.5 hours bringing cargo in. So it is late I am tire. I have 7 day's left here and I want to enjoy it. Today Simyra and I must have ate 15 cookies.
I know alot of u are chuckling beacuse don't mess with chris. BE WARNED!!!!!!! :)
Well on a reflective note. The flowers are blooming the chocolate lillies and the beach greens and the beach peas. Very pretty. I enjoyed 12 laps on the beach tonite. I will get 15 tomorrow. I had the camera with me. No grizz. I guess he moved on. I am not looking forward to driving a car again and cooking again and waiting tables again. I have been free in the wilderness. I can see why some people give up everything just to change there lives. It has been soo relaxing. Alot of work. Yes i have a smaller tush these day's my pant's are falling off me. But soon this place of beauty will be a memory forever instilled in m heart. I hope to return to hallo bay next year. A full summer is a long season. But for the money it would be worth it. Speaking of which lynn book your cruise. For all u cruiser's out there. We booked another trans-atlantic the same one as this year. I was soooooooooooooooo happy to see that email today. First this I thought of was not food but the spa..........I miss the realaxation room. So back to me . Focus people................Alaska is a wild wonderful place. One of which I think U need to come to hallo bay to truly realize how special this state is. Jennnifer and Andy know. Hi guy's one of these day's we will catch up with them again. I also realize that I am living other peoples dreams to. That is very cool also. Plus to be in the advantage of have full use of the camp and to wander the beach by myself. It is a dream come true. This weekend I am going back to the meadwon with simyra. I will say bye for now to the bears. Knowing in my heart I will be back.
Well............the big ol' bear is very tired.....................................thankyour for reading my ranting tonite.........by the way hi kathy and al....................miss ya'....................
people this is a wilderness camp. They don't like this, that,the other thing, One asked for running water in the bathroom. Anthoer wanted an extension cord for him room to charge things. Anthoner is a diabetic. He wanted full acess to the kitchen at nite for snacks and to make sandwiches. gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrr.. Then tonite they all wanted to have heat but to leave the window's open to let the light on. I had to tell them if the window is open no heat!!!. ................So they are all here till friday ................But with the joy's of things................there was some bears on the beach in a distance............no nap today. I spent 1.5 hours bringing cargo in. So it is late I am tire. I have 7 day's left here and I want to enjoy it. Today Simyra and I must have ate 15 cookies.
I know alot of u are chuckling beacuse don't mess with chris. BE WARNED!!!!!!! :)
Well on a reflective note. The flowers are blooming the chocolate lillies and the beach greens and the beach peas. Very pretty. I enjoyed 12 laps on the beach tonite. I will get 15 tomorrow. I had the camera with me. No grizz. I guess he moved on. I am not looking forward to driving a car again and cooking again and waiting tables again. I have been free in the wilderness. I can see why some people give up everything just to change there lives. It has been soo relaxing. Alot of work. Yes i have a smaller tush these day's my pant's are falling off me. But soon this place of beauty will be a memory forever instilled in m heart. I hope to return to hallo bay next year. A full summer is a long season. But for the money it would be worth it. Speaking of which lynn book your cruise. For all u cruiser's out there. We booked another trans-atlantic the same one as this year. I was soooooooooooooooo happy to see that email today. First this I thought of was not food but the spa..........I miss the realaxation room. So back to me . Focus people................Alaska is a wild wonderful place. One of which I think U need to come to hallo bay to truly realize how special this state is. Jennnifer and Andy know. Hi guy's one of these day's we will catch up with them again. I also realize that I am living other peoples dreams to. That is very cool also. Plus to be in the advantage of have full use of the camp and to wander the beach by myself. It is a dream come true. This weekend I am going back to the meadwon with simyra. I will say bye for now to the bears. Knowing in my heart I will be back.
Well............the big ol' bear is very tired.....................................thankyour for reading my ranting tonite.........by the way hi kathy and al....................miss ya'....................
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I was almost sunday dinner for the bear!!
Wow what a day it has been around here. The rain moved in and the winds finally kicked up. Over 15mph now which means 20-25 on the beach. Everyone went to bed early and are all neslted in their cabins. Well me I am typing to all of U. Yes your welcome. Today we had another bear in camp. Well more like he wanted me. I must have filled out the dating requirements online. YIKES. So here goes...................I was out walking from the point to the ocean's edge. down the hill and the stair like in the picture on the web page. On lap 3 I stopped to bend over to ties my boots. I get almost down the first hill and look back and WOW there he is I was I think his planned sunday dinner!!! He was at least 900lbs. What a beauty......no camera since I was doing my nitely walk.............and I moved down the other stairs to the sand on the beach and he just keep watching me.......the started chatting his teeth.....and that's when I called fannie to come down to the point. A few minutes had passed and I was like CRAP...........................especially he had the advantage. A HUGE bear and I was down hill. Maybe is was the pumkin pie or ham I had for dinner. Or my big rump roast he wanted. Well ol' grizz watched me and came down the hill.....and off into the sand...as fannie approached. I was able to get up the hill and get apicture of him in the distance.............had I of had the camera around my neck. Which I will from now on!!!
I would of had the best pictures ever with the hallo bay mail box in the background!!!!!!!
So..................I am alive.................and the bears are really horny right now.......and hungry.....YIKES................I think he was more lynn's type. Lynn get on the next plane and take care of these bears. So there I have the stalker bear who wanted my ass for sunday one way or another. Just another story to tell and live through.
Well it's cold and tomorrow is supposed to be worse. We may have 8 stranded campers. IF the winds are over 12 they don't fly. The plane will flip and I don't think the people flying back would enjoy the inflight snacks to much. Well till monday I will keep u posted thankyou all for who keep reading my nitely rants. PS the cook is still here ............I don't know whats she's cooking but I have to eat...................
from bear camp..........have a great ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
I would of had the best pictures ever with the hallo bay mail box in the background!!!!!!!
So..................I am alive.................and the bears are really horny right now.......and hungry.....YIKES................I think he was more lynn's type. Lynn get on the next plane and take care of these bears. So there I have the stalker bear who wanted my ass for sunday one way or another. Just another story to tell and live through.
Well it's cold and tomorrow is supposed to be worse. We may have 8 stranded campers. IF the winds are over 12 they don't fly. The plane will flip and I don't think the people flying back would enjoy the inflight snacks to much. Well till monday I will keep u posted thankyou all for who keep reading my nitely rants. PS the cook is still here ............I don't know whats she's cooking but I have to eat...................
from bear camp..........have a great ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I'm having BEAVER tonite!!
Wow it's SUMMER maybe where u all are but it's 1030 bright sun and 42 degrees. The sun will not set where I am at tonite. It will just do a blip and be right back at us again. How amazing.
Today was a busy day in camp. We had a bear overnite dig up our drainwater pipe. So that was the project for me and to re-grade the creek that it goes into. I also brought up buckets of stones from the beach for the walkways'. Nutered the pushkie. Thats a long story but the plant can cause one to have blisters and other fun things. Chop wood and my daily camp rountine. We have a full camp right now. Boy am I tired. All the employees went to bed early. But before I did I made a TOGA with my sheet and said I thought we were having a summer solstice party. Not they laughed and laughed. Up here there are parties and parades and evening baseball. Plus being that it falls on a sat. I am sure there are more outings tonite.
I saw 2 mom's on the beach 3 cubs total. Also a nice big male cub was walking down the beach simyra walked me down to get some great shots as he went by. She got to fly over to the whale kill again.10 bears feeding. Wow the pictures were amazing.

So As my last week approaches I am sad and happy. With a full camp it's alot of work. Time goes by fast. Naps are few. But I have to remember what ruth said on the cruise. I am here look what I am doing. Who can say I have done this and have been here. This has been truly amazing. It is quite a thing. Not foreveryone though. But, have I made everyone laugh though.
Okay so what's with the beaver heading. Well Bill who owns a lodge away's flew over today and said they was a male bear diving into the beaver's lodge. I could only think in his mind. Screw the grass I'M HAVING BEAVER TONITE!!! The water is too deep to see them from here.
Also we were greeted at breakfast outside the galley window by a unkown mother and cub. They were about 150 feet away just munching on the grass. I didn't get a good shot since my camera was in the cabin. It was very cool to start the day out that way. Also the bear whom we suspect dug up the huge drain pipe was back in the creek tonite. Fannie chased him off I hope he won't be back because I will be doing the digging again.
Allright I am a chatter bug this evening. One finale note. In life it dosen't matter what we do as long as we are happy. If we are truly happy then that is all that matters. So screw sally who thinks I am crazy for this adventure. Wait till she hears I may be back next year. :)
Allright the the grizzly man need's his zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's nite all
I saw 2 mom's on the beach 3 cubs total. Also a nice big male cub was walking down the beach simyra walked me down to get some great shots as he went by. She got to fly over to the whale kill again.10 bears feeding. Wow the pictures were amazing.
So As my last week approaches I am sad and happy. With a full camp it's alot of work. Time goes by fast. Naps are few. But I have to remember what ruth said on the cruise. I am here look what I am doing. Who can say I have done this and have been here. This has been truly amazing. It is quite a thing. Not foreveryone though. But, have I made everyone laugh though.
Okay so what's with the beaver heading. Well Bill who owns a lodge away's flew over today and said they was a male bear diving into the beaver's lodge. I could only think in his mind. Screw the grass I'M HAVING BEAVER TONITE!!! The water is too deep to see them from here.
Also we were greeted at breakfast outside the galley window by a unkown mother and cub. They were about 150 feet away just munching on the grass. I didn't get a good shot since my camera was in the cabin. It was very cool to start the day out that way. Also the bear whom we suspect dug up the huge drain pipe was back in the creek tonite. Fannie chased him off I hope he won't be back because I will be doing the digging again.
Allright I am a chatter bug this evening. One finale note. In life it dosen't matter what we do as long as we are happy. If we are truly happy then that is all that matters. So screw sally who thinks I am crazy for this adventure. Wait till she hears I may be back next year. :)
Allright the the grizzly man need's his zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's nite all
Friday, June 20, 2008
Bear camp diaries...................
TGIF..............Happy friday everyone. My last post was after midnite. Sorry. Time flies when u are playing with the bears. Cold here today in the low 40's the sun made a brief appreance around my nap time. I cabin then turns into an easy bake oven. YIKES
We had new campers arrive today. I was down on the beach so many times I felt like I was working at an airport. Tomorrow only 2 then no one on sunday.
Just one lonely bear on the beach today. He seemed so small after last nites adeventure. Wow what a treat that was. The wind is howling here right now. It is still really bright out at alomost 11 pm. Our nitely staff laugh meeting ended early since u know me I have been keeeping them up late with lot's of laughs. Alot of single men in camp tonite. Lynn u would be a happy bear camper right now.
Just a thought..........When u are on vacation. Sitting at the dinner table with 10 other people. Do u think it impolite to say the F word in the middle of your discussion. Well some crazy new york lady who left today did. She was just ANGRY at the world. Give new yorkers a bad name.
Well no skid marks tonite. But I discoverd the PEE on the floor I went to use the bathroom before taking my shower and geeeeeeeze my shorts were soaked. Yes some guy had used the floor instead of the toilet. Give me a break. I bet he didn't even wash his hands!!
It is truly amazing the ALL WALKS OF LIFE that we encouter here everyday. One of our bush pilots. She had a great hat. She gave it to me!! The alaskan hospitality. The people up here love people and the luv what they do. The warmth and the taking the time to sit and talk and listen.
I think through dinner tonite I drifted off. I don't know how many time I said. HMMMM that's nice. yes yes ..hmm hmhm...I could give a rats behind about what the 3 people said. But it made them feel good to think that I am actually listening. Unlike waiting tables u cant geat AWAY. We have to be nice and nice and laugh at the corny jokes. If I hear one more BROKE BACK MOUNTIAN joke...............AAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHH.... But as I must I will laugh like it was the first time to make them feel special.
Oh did I tell everyone We had a BRITISH couple come in. They wanted money back from there 2nite tour beacuse we woke them up for breakfast. We made the watch us tow the oil barrels in and they didn't like that I was almost naked in the ocean. They said that we took away from there bear viewing time. But they left 100 buck tip. Simyra said that a small amount of people will ask for there money back.
I didn't see any bears.......They weren't close enough.....................I want a refund.......FREAKS!!
Okay on that note..................time for bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
We had new campers arrive today. I was down on the beach so many times I felt like I was working at an airport. Tomorrow only 2 then no one on sunday.
Just one lonely bear on the beach today. He seemed so small after last nites adeventure. Wow what a treat that was. The wind is howling here right now. It is still really bright out at alomost 11 pm. Our nitely staff laugh meeting ended early since u know me I have been keeeping them up late with lot's of laughs. Alot of single men in camp tonite. Lynn u would be a happy bear camper right now.
Just a thought..........When u are on vacation. Sitting at the dinner table with 10 other people. Do u think it impolite to say the F word in the middle of your discussion. Well some crazy new york lady who left today did. She was just ANGRY at the world. Give new yorkers a bad name.
Well no skid marks tonite. But I discoverd the PEE on the floor I went to use the bathroom before taking my shower and geeeeeeeze my shorts were soaked. Yes some guy had used the floor instead of the toilet. Give me a break. I bet he didn't even wash his hands!!
It is truly amazing the ALL WALKS OF LIFE that we encouter here everyday. One of our bush pilots. She had a great hat. She gave it to me!! The alaskan hospitality. The people up here love people and the luv what they do. The warmth and the taking the time to sit and talk and listen.
I think through dinner tonite I drifted off. I don't know how many time I said. HMMMM that's nice. yes yes ..hmm hmhm...I could give a rats behind about what the 3 people said. But it made them feel good to think that I am actually listening. Unlike waiting tables u cant geat AWAY. We have to be nice and nice and laugh at the corny jokes. If I hear one more BROKE BACK MOUNTIAN joke...............AAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHH.... But as I must I will laugh like it was the first time to make them feel special.
Oh did I tell everyone We had a BRITISH couple come in. They wanted money back from there 2nite tour beacuse we woke them up for breakfast. We made the watch us tow the oil barrels in and they didn't like that I was almost naked in the ocean. They said that we took away from there bear viewing time. But they left 100 buck tip. Simyra said that a small amount of people will ask for there money back.
I didn't see any bears.......They weren't close enough.....................I want a refund.......FREAKS!!
Okay on that note..................time for bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
BEARS and CUBS oh my!!
Well Hello everyone out there in the lower 48. It was 55 and sunny all day. I still have been working on my tan. Since most of my day is spent outside. The camp cook is still here. Her replacement will take awhile. Long story with that one. Honest that is a whole other blog. Well lot's of work to be done here at hallo bay today. Since camp is still full. Some great campers are leaving tomorrow. We will be getting 4/5 in the big changeover is monday 8 in and 8 out. Alot of cabins to look like the hilton hotel. I know our friend ellen is just dying to sleep out here. I would put a mint on her pillow but a bear would probably eat her. Well I am ammmmmmmmmmmmm sooooooooooooo tired today. Today was the big day. Even wi
th my 2 hour nap.
THE MEADOW it's 1.5 miles waling from camp to the meadow. Simyra the owner and I did it in 25 min. I guess I am getting in shape. It was just her and I on a private tour. How cool is that. There are 4 guys here now paying an additonal 1000 bucks a day for a private guide. WOW!!!
We sae rosie and her 2 cubs they are 2 years old next summer she will kick them out of the house. I learned tonite that for 3-5 years after they will stay together the cubs and den together till they reach mating machurtiy. hope I spelled that right. Anyhow. Very interesting. There was another mom with a cub. No one knew her. They came within 20 feet of us. Some of the pictures came out a little blurry. I was excited. Seemed odd being there without my friends and travel buddies. Sorry guys. You were there is spririt. I was a little teary eyed. Hey I am getting paid to do this for crying out loud. There was also a male courting a female in the meadow they were going at it. Quite interesting. I guess he will follow her for up to 2 weeks. Then she will have another court her. I gues she may be the meadow floozy. Like alot of the women I work with back home. Name will not be mentioned no or my views or the views of the blog in anyway meant to hurt, harm, oh bite me..................
But tonite Was magical. Wait till you see the pictures. We have been having such great weather here. I have one pair of shorts for camp. Yes I have done laundry the old fashioned way with a tub and a plunger............Then hang them on the line....................cool......... Hopefully the weather will hold out..10 days left. I won't mention it again till we have 5. It will be very emotional for me to leave this magical place. That most well 99 percent of the people in the world they just don't get it.
Well the barrels are up from the beach with a NOVAJACK and some pushing with 4 people. We are going to build a stand and roll them thru camp.
Well my friends....................the grizzly adams needs to sleep.................till tomorrow nite..
Yest the beard is really long....
THE MEADOW it's 1.5 miles waling from camp to the meadow. Simyra the owner and I did it in 25 min. I guess I am getting in shape. It was just her and I on a private tour. How cool is that. There are 4 guys here now paying an additonal 1000 bucks a day for a private guide. WOW!!!
We sae rosie and her 2 cubs they are 2 years old next summer she will kick them out of the house. I learned tonite that for 3-5 years after they will stay together the cubs and den together till they reach mating machurtiy. hope I spelled that right. Anyhow. Very interesting. There was another mom with a cub. No one knew her. They came within 20 feet of us. Some of the pictures came out a little blurry. I was excited. Seemed odd being there without my friends and travel buddies. Sorry guys. You were there is spririt. I was a little teary eyed. Hey I am getting paid to do this for crying out loud. There was also a male courting a female in the meadow they were going at it. Quite interesting. I guess he will follow her for up to 2 weeks. Then she will have another court her. I gues she may be the meadow floozy. Like alot of the women I work with back home. Name will not be mentioned no or my views or the views of the blog in anyway meant to hurt, harm, oh bite me..................
But tonite Was magical. Wait till you see the pictures. We have been having such great weather here. I have one pair of shorts for camp. Yes I have done laundry the old fashioned way with a tub and a plunger............Then hang them on the line....................cool......... Hopefully the weather will hold out..10 days left. I won't mention it again till we have 5. It will be very emotional for me to leave this magical place. That most well 99 percent of the people in the world they just don't get it.
Well the barrels are up from the beach with a NOVAJACK and some pushing with 4 people. We are going to build a stand and roll them thru camp.
Well my friends....................the grizzly adams needs to sleep.................till tomorrow nite..
Yest the beard is really long....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tomorrow the BEARS!! Today the rangers
Wow another fast day at bear camp. Camp is full right now there are 15 total people here. What a handful. Next week we have a day where the whole camp leaves and then fills up in one day!
Well THE BEARS.. I have been such a great slave here at bear camp I finally get to go to the MEADOW tomorrow.. In the evening. Where john and I got all the great shots last year. All the cubs so far have made it thru the winter season and are putting on a show. Last nite they had 17 bears in the meadow. Will be odd doing this by myself and not with my best friend with me. Sorry suckers I cleaned enough skidmarks to enjoy this moment!!!
I Worked like crazy today. I also got my 10 laps from the stairs to the oceans edge in today also.
Amazing my belly isn't shrinking but my wasit is. HMMMMMMMMMMM
I heard there is a heatwave going on out east. I think in rochester it's cooler. Ruth turn the air on or just come up to alaska it is actually warm out tonite. 42 degrees at 1148 pm. Tonite is a full moon. But I think the skies are clouding up.
Oh we had the park rangers arrive.... young guys early twenties. One of them is from tennesse. The other chicago. The have gone 10 ways without a normal meal. Also they share on 2 person tent and a sleeping bag. Can u say broke back mountian. All the guests were commenting on it.
Well we got to talk to them for 2 hours. What stories they had to tell. Near the whale carcus a lady had paid to have a bush pilot drop her off and she slept a half mile from the carcus on the beach. The rangers tried to persude her to camp away like 1 mile from it. She was determined to stay 5 days. Well she got a little freaked out after one nite. She flew back home to the lower 48 allready.
A finale note when in a huge place like katmai national park. I don't know why a ranger here would carry handcuffs!!! He said he uses them for his gun at nite. Just a thought. hmm
allright.........time form my ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's goodnite travel buddies
miss ya'
Well THE BEARS.. I have been such a great slave here at bear camp I finally get to go to the MEADOW tomorrow.. In the evening. Where john and I got all the great shots last year. All the cubs so far have made it thru the winter season and are putting on a show. Last nite they had 17 bears in the meadow. Will be odd doing this by myself and not with my best friend with me. Sorry suckers I cleaned enough skidmarks to enjoy this moment!!!
I Worked like crazy today. I also got my 10 laps from the stairs to the oceans edge in today also.
Amazing my belly isn't shrinking but my wasit is. HMMMMMMMMMMM
I heard there is a heatwave going on out east. I think in rochester it's cooler. Ruth turn the air on or just come up to alaska it is actually warm out tonite. 42 degrees at 1148 pm. Tonite is a full moon. But I think the skies are clouding up.
Oh we had the park rangers arrive.... young guys early twenties. One of them is from tennesse. The other chicago. The have gone 10 ways without a normal meal. Also they share on 2 person tent and a sleeping bag. Can u say broke back mountian. All the guests were commenting on it.
Well we got to talk to them for 2 hours. What stories they had to tell. Near the whale carcus a lady had paid to have a bush pilot drop her off and she slept a half mile from the carcus on the beach. The rangers tried to persude her to camp away like 1 mile from it. She was determined to stay 5 days. Well she got a little freaked out after one nite. She flew back home to the lower 48 allready.
A finale note when in a huge place like katmai national park. I don't know why a ranger here would carry handcuffs!!! He said he uses them for his gun at nite. Just a thought. hmm
allright.........time form my ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's goodnite travel buddies
miss ya'
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
14 DAYS.............
If only I could sleep.........................no naps the last 2 days........The camp cook is still here...I will let u know more tomorrow I think she is getting voted of tomorrow am..big hush hush. They woman needs to go. She lied about even being a cook.....#@!!!!!
Well I did my laps on the beach today. Alone with a lone bear in the distance..10 laps almost a mile. ME and the amazing view.
So everyone the fuel barrels bigger than an suv made it up the HILL was not fun .........but we got them up the hill.....I have pics.
I didn't get my first guest complain today. I was to chipper for breakfast. How dare the staff have fun. It should be serious work out here for u young fold. NO LAUGHING.. Okay where the hell is the next plane to get these brits back home to there island. The best part is they thought we had a towel and soap rental......................:)
Missing everyone today and then know soon I will be missing here. I can see how one might come here for the summer and not adjust to everyday life. We have gotten such characters here.
Plus why don't people tip. I think I coverd that one before. But give me a break..If i am wiping the skid marks off the toilet seat from your sorry behind leave the camp staff a tip. Yes today there was a skid mark on the toilet seat. Raise your hand if u do that at home and just leave it there till someone comes over to clean it for u.
Well I didn't let kathy and al in thehouse when the probably had to use the lu...........but that was differnt the house was dirty........I didn't leave shit for them..........sorry ranting.............
Okay.................The best part tonite. The cook made rice and everyone thought it was mashed potatoes........................eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk......
I have been bad to almost a week has gone by since I have not written in my journal. I at least have stayed up for all my dear friends to type away. The bar stays open late here lots of margaritas. The bear beer seems to sell out fast!!
Also sorry there is no cam to wave at everyone from camp. The compture guy sold them the wrong stuff. The equipment is at the house but now that fuel is thru the roof it's on hold. By the time fuel to heat the cabins arrives here. guess...........It is 20$ a gallon to heat a cabin with diesel.
so its ration time.
Well nothing else to report. Tomorrow I will get a nap if it kills me......unless the fire the cook. At least I showered for the first time in how many days.. Everyone smells so just join in the fun!!
If only I could sleep.........................no naps the last 2 days........The camp cook is still here...I will let u know more tomorrow I think she is getting voted of tomorrow am..big hush hush. They woman needs to go. She lied about even being a cook.....#@!!!!!
Well I did my laps on the beach today. Alone with a lone bear in the distance..10 laps almost a mile. ME and the amazing view.
So everyone the fuel barrels bigger than an suv made it up the HILL was not fun .........but we got them up the hill.....I have pics.
I didn't get my first guest complain today. I was to chipper for breakfast. How dare the staff have fun. It should be serious work out here for u young fold. NO LAUGHING.. Okay where the hell is the next plane to get these brits back home to there island. The best part is they thought we had a towel and soap rental......................:)
Missing everyone today and then know soon I will be missing here. I can see how one might come here for the summer and not adjust to everyday life. We have gotten such characters here.
Plus why don't people tip. I think I coverd that one before. But give me a break..If i am wiping the skid marks off the toilet seat from your sorry behind leave the camp staff a tip. Yes today there was a skid mark on the toilet seat. Raise your hand if u do that at home and just leave it there till someone comes over to clean it for u.
Well I didn't let kathy and al in thehouse when the probably had to use the lu...........but that was differnt the house was dirty........I didn't leave shit for them..........sorry ranting.............
Okay.................The best part tonite. The cook made rice and everyone thought it was mashed potatoes........................eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk......
I have been bad to almost a week has gone by since I have not written in my journal. I at least have stayed up for all my dear friends to type away. The bar stays open late here lots of margaritas. The bear beer seems to sell out fast!!
Also sorry there is no cam to wave at everyone from camp. The compture guy sold them the wrong stuff. The equipment is at the house but now that fuel is thru the roof it's on hold. By the time fuel to heat the cabins arrives here. guess...........It is 20$ a gallon to heat a cabin with diesel.
so its ration time.
Well nothing else to report. Tomorrow I will get a nap if it kills me......unless the fire the cook. At least I showered for the first time in how many days.. Everyone smells so just join in the fun!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
BEARS and one boat....
Well today was a great sunny day here at hallo bay. Lot's of bears on the beach 7 total. I have some geat pics. Then the boat arrived........................................................I went swimming finally in alaska..............it was only 36 degrees in the water............so it wasn't to bad..I didn't turn blue.........I was just looking for my floatie tube...........we have great pic's of me in the water.
Well the cooke snapped becasue the computer was down half a day..................I think she knows she maybe be voted off.....She cooked roast tonite and there wasn't enough for everyone she wanted us to portion control our food. NOT IN BEAR CAMP
Well.............she finally is talking to me again. It may be to late. The woman admitted that she hasn't cooked for people in 9 years.. HELLO!!!
Well I need to get.........The barrels come off the beach tomorrow.........400gallons and 200 gallons...............shall be interesting......... but I at least got to go swimming in june.......:)
Till tomorrow nite.
Well the cooke snapped becasue the computer was down half a day..................I think she knows she maybe be voted off.....She cooked roast tonite and there wasn't enough for everyone she wanted us to portion control our food. NOT IN BEAR CAMP
Well.............she finally is talking to me again. It may be to late. The woman admitted that she hasn't cooked for people in 9 years.. HELLO!!!
Well I need to get.........The barrels come off the beach tomorrow.........400gallons and 200 gallons...............shall be interesting......... but I at least got to go swimming in june.......:)
Till tomorrow nite.
Balmy 55 :)
Today seemed a little different then the others. We were waiting for a boat to arrive with 2 hugs tanks to hold fuel. Well only in alaska could the boat leave yesterday and then never show up and will not even answer it's radio calls. The owner's are not to happy. ME on the other hand. The thought of having to swim out to the boat is a little...................welllllllllllllll.......$#@%!!!
Yes they want me to wade thru 6 foot water. I would call that swimming where I come from. Yes there are low swimming sharks around here too. NO NO NO so the guide offered to do it. Then the sun came out. I was hoping to get a picture of me on the beach in the water with my swim trunks out. To send to my friends. Come on in the water is fine!!!!
Well more action around camp. The camp cook. Whom by the way cannot cook. Who puts york pepermint patties in brownies with nuts. She is a NUT. Well she is being voted off the island. She wants to have a fully stocked fire going with the windows during the day. Lady has no clue. I have to go down to the beach use a chainsaw then pull it in a cart up a hill then chop it stack it just so she can keep her pretty little ass warm!!! We are at bear camp in alaska. This is not your living room. Well needless to say other employee's chimed in. Meltdowns began. She will be gone by next week. But have u ever had a breakfast quesidellia sorry if i mis spelled. BUT mad OUT OF EGG no tortilla shell...........................................................or bacon in you green beans. OR pork loain roasted nicely then sliced and deep fried...........................................and she will not make cookies for anyone. Or meatloaf that was so undercooked up needed a spoon to eat it with. OR bacon at breafast the was RAW..........................okay that pushed me over the edge.......There I feel better I was ready to come home today.
BUT U know what. I am better than her. I am sorry If she is not happy with me. That I get to entertain everyone in the eve. She seem's to forget there is a really sharp AX in camp and chris know's how to USE IT. get thehint. So watch CNN this week to make sure I am not on there.
I Will be back next year. So I don't know where the winter vacation will be. I will need a warm place before heading up here next summer.
John and Ruth will have to come on vacation!!! Hi ruth. I will call u when I get home after july 4th. I still miss u. :(
also anne and anne and all my crusie friends and my travel buddies u know who u are. It was a rough day at hamp 8 fule barrels came in weighing 120lbs all came up from the beach. They made it!!!
No bears today.. Word must be out in the woods that a big man with a camera and a BEARD is telling them not to come into camp. Yes I have not shaved for over 2 weeks now and won't until I leave camp. Very alaskan.
So on a finale note. There is a story of some back country people whom were weatherd in. They ran out of food . They ate a leaf they thought to be safe from a poisonis spelled wrong TREE. well 5 of the 6 did. It only takes 10 min to die after eating this plant. The 5 person was tryin to throw it up before he started to convulse and ...............died......the last person watched his 5 friends die over an hour..........So when in alaska don't even eat the plants. Even when they are called things like BEACH GREENS , BEACH PEAS sounds great but don't put the dressing on or stir fry em.........................because u will go home in a box or in a bears belly!!!
Till Tomorrow............................wonder if the boat will show hmmmmmmmmm
Yes they want me to wade thru 6 foot water. I would call that swimming where I come from. Yes there are low swimming sharks around here too. NO NO NO so the guide offered to do it. Then the sun came out. I was hoping to get a picture of me on the beach in the water with my swim trunks out. To send to my friends. Come on in the water is fine!!!!
Well more action around camp. The camp cook. Whom by the way cannot cook. Who puts york pepermint patties in brownies with nuts. She is a NUT. Well she is being voted off the island. She wants to have a fully stocked fire going with the windows during the day. Lady has no clue. I have to go down to the beach use a chainsaw then pull it in a cart up a hill then chop it stack it just so she can keep her pretty little ass warm!!! We are at bear camp in alaska. This is not your living room. Well needless to say other employee's chimed in. Meltdowns began. She will be gone by next week. But have u ever had a breakfast quesidellia sorry if i mis spelled. BUT mad OUT OF EGG no tortilla shell...........................................................or bacon in you green beans. OR pork loain roasted nicely then sliced and deep fried...........................................and she will not make cookies for anyone. Or meatloaf that was so undercooked up needed a spoon to eat it with. OR bacon at breafast the was RAW..........................okay that pushed me over the edge.......There I feel better I was ready to come home today.
BUT U know what. I am better than her. I am sorry If she is not happy with me. That I get to entertain everyone in the eve. She seem's to forget there is a really sharp AX in camp and chris know's how to USE IT. get thehint. So watch CNN this week to make sure I am not on there.
I Will be back next year. So I don't know where the winter vacation will be. I will need a warm place before heading up here next summer.
John and Ruth will have to come on vacation!!! Hi ruth. I will call u when I get home after july 4th. I still miss u. :(
also anne and anne and all my crusie friends and my travel buddies u know who u are. It was a rough day at hamp 8 fule barrels came in weighing 120lbs all came up from the beach. They made it!!!
No bears today.. Word must be out in the woods that a big man with a camera and a BEARD is telling them not to come into camp. Yes I have not shaved for over 2 weeks now and won't until I leave camp. Very alaskan.
So on a finale note. There is a story of some back country people whom were weatherd in. They ran out of food . They ate a leaf they thought to be safe from a poisonis spelled wrong TREE. well 5 of the 6 did. It only takes 10 min to die after eating this plant. The 5 person was tryin to throw it up before he started to convulse and ...............died......the last person watched his 5 friends die over an hour..........So when in alaska don't even eat the plants. Even when they are called things like BEACH GREENS , BEACH PEAS sounds great but don't put the dressing on or stir fry em.........................because u will go home in a box or in a bears belly!!!
Till Tomorrow............................wonder if the boat will show hmmmmmmmmm
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Big MOMMA in camp with 3 cubs!!!
Well hello.............what a day. Our 6 campers were weathered in till 5 pm today. So I got to go Hiking. Off to an amazing place called the crowspatch!!! it's one of the few areas in the region that is sub artic. Wow the tiny little plant's and the bog like area. It was just amazing. The plants that grow there are only in these areas.................

Well you were are all waiting for the BEAR to come thru camp. Well a really BIG mom with 2 cubs were playing in camp for about 15 min today. I was alone handling the situation since everyone was out in the field. YES ME with my radio camera and bear flares. She didn't even know I was there. She decided she want to pass by a cabin. We she finally saw me. She for some reason wasn't bothered by my scent. Maybe I need a shower it had been 2 days!! Well onward she approached. I said "oh crap........yes oh crap.......hi bear .............nice bear..........she looked and me..........looked again........felt like an hour. No I didn't shit my pant's!!!! thank she turned around and hopped thru some brush I have a picture of her BUTT..........sorry my life was more important. She looked really rought like she had a hangover. She still has her winter fur. Then her cubs came out and ran down thru the woods with her.
IT was later that I discoverd the cubs were playing in the employee cabin area. I played with the outside of my cabin claw marks on my sides. And took my bungee cord......................hmmm
So I was on bear patrol for awhile to make sure anita the cook and I were safe. I wish she would have come right thru camp. I would of had the most amazing pictures............NEXT TIME
So .................lot's of laughs new people tonite.............phil and fannie are back from town.
Oh that wood that came in the other day...........1600 pounds............................YES THAT MUCH
Well tomorrow a boat is bringing..................2 huge tanks.............for oil..............900 and i think they said 4oo...I will let u know tomorrow.........
goodnite....it's actually dusk now.........and momma bear is sleeping in town............so I have to be careful........she is spending her nites.................by our cabins...
Well you were are all waiting for the BEAR to come thru camp. Well a really BIG mom with 2 cubs were playing in camp for about 15 min today. I was alone handling the situation since everyone was out in the field. YES ME with my radio camera and bear flares. She didn't even know I was there. She decided she want to pass by a cabin. We she finally saw me. She for some reason wasn't bothered by my scent. Maybe I need a shower it had been 2 days!! Well onward she approached. I said "oh crap........yes oh crap.......hi bear .............nice bear..........she looked and me..........looked again........felt like an hour. No I didn't shit my pant's!!!! thank she turned around and hopped thru some brush I have a picture of her BUTT..........sorry my life was more important. She looked really rought like she had a hangover. She still has her winter fur. Then her cubs came out and ran down thru the woods with her.
So I was on bear patrol for awhile to make sure anita the cook and I were safe. I wish she would have come right thru camp. I would of had the most amazing pictures............NEXT TIME
So .................lot's of laughs new people tonite.............phil and fannie are back from town.
Oh that wood that came in the other day...........1600 pounds............................YES THAT MUCH
Well tomorrow a boat is bringing..................2 huge tanks.............for oil..............900 and i think they said 4oo...I will let u know tomorrow.........
goodnite....it's actually dusk now.........and momma bear is sleeping in town............so I have to be careful........she is spending her nites.................by our cabins...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday the 13th......Lot's of bears and foxy
Well HI everyone............Hope all is well and still HOT in the lower 48. We were up to a balmy 50 degrees today. I am still working on my tan. Lot's of bear action in camp today. A big ole bear went down the beach as we were working. Also foxy the fox was just hanging around. I think he is lonely without timothy treadwell in town. I was not there but the folks here got to see ROSIE sleeping on a log with her two cubs snuggling with her down on the beach. CURSES.
We had a lot of work to do at camp today. 6 leave tomorrow weather permitting they were weatherd in today. Then 3 arrive. So the camp slave mode. ME kicks in lot's to see and do.
Simyra the owner and I walked 10 laps from themailbox down to the edge of the water on the beach. We are going to do it everyday. She want's my belly gone. Not much time soon it will be 2 weeks and I will be voted off the island.
Speaking of that Fannie comes back tomorrow..... Not to walk around though. Phil the guide in training. He didn't get voted of he will be back tomorrow. Me they won't let me leave.
When I knock on the cabin door's when guests are in them I say ROOM SERVICE.. Simyra justlaughs. But, that is what it's about here. I was longing for home today..........But, when I leave I know it will be the reverse. No contact with the outside world. No tv.radio.bush, ect.
I do have some news I am off to LONDON in feb for a week with hallo bay working a big travel show there. All expenses paid. How great is that. Tonite I was given my options for next year asst/cook/or bear guide...........no camera for the bear guide.........at 250 a day plus tips......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I guess I must be working out. Most people in the camp asst position last a week. They should just wait tables and they would last a year out here. Even bringing the lumber in from the beach.
As someone said the other day. What do u have to worrie about you are HERE!!
On that note. A very busy day at camp I must be up at 7 and won't be to bed until 11.
Till tomorrow...............................................ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
We had a lot of work to do at camp today. 6 leave tomorrow weather permitting they were weatherd in today. Then 3 arrive. So the camp slave mode. ME kicks in lot's to see and do.
Simyra the owner and I walked 10 laps from themailbox down to the edge of the water on the beach. We are going to do it everyday. She want's my belly gone. Not much time soon it will be 2 weeks and I will be voted off the island.
Speaking of that Fannie comes back tomorrow..... Not to walk around though. Phil the guide in training. He didn't get voted of he will be back tomorrow. Me they won't let me leave.
When I knock on the cabin door's when guests are in them I say ROOM SERVICE.. Simyra justlaughs. But, that is what it's about here. I was longing for home today..........But, when I leave I know it will be the reverse. No contact with the outside world. No tv.radio.bush, ect.
I do have some news I am off to LONDON in feb for a week with hallo bay working a big travel show there. All expenses paid. How great is that. Tonite I was given my options for next year asst/cook/or bear guide...........no camera for the bear guide.........at 250 a day plus tips......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I guess I must be working out. Most people in the camp asst position last a week. They should just wait tables and they would last a year out here. Even bringing the lumber in from the beach.
As someone said the other day. What do u have to worrie about you are HERE!!
On that note. A very busy day at camp I must be up at 7 and won't be to bed until 11.
Till tomorrow...............................................ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thrsday the 12! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Wow it hasn't warmed back up like a few day's ago. Now 40 is warm to us. Well fannie the camp mgr went back to town. For her ankle injury. Phil the guide in training. He went back to town. Will know tomorrow I HE returns. I feel like an episode of lost............................... The new camp cook......Well on word she is from Arkansas the bible belt...........bible by the stove. YIKES run for your lives!!! Hopefully she didn't bring any snakes...................
We had 400lbs of lumber deliverd today. That was such a day in the park to bring it up from the beach!!! NOT ..........I am doing extra duties since fannie is gone.........log books ect.......................They allready asked me to come back next summer.......Plus I can train to become a bear guide If i loose 20-30 lbs. hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Well it's late and cold....and with the cloud cover it's getting dark. We have high winds tonite. I can't tell if a bear is outside or not. Something is making noise. But we have a bear who is sleeping outback............just as long as he dosn't snore............or leave scat by my door to step in I am fine. Well time to sign off.................it's almost friday the 13th...............booo
Well it's late and cold....and with the cloud cover it's getting dark. We have high winds tonite. I can't tell if a bear is outside or not. Something is making noise. But we have a bear who is sleeping outback............just as long as he dosn't snore............or leave scat by my door to step in I am fine. Well time to sign off.................it's almost friday the 13th...............booo
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A rainy day in hallo bay.................
Well it's wed the 11th. 19 days to go..........Today we were weathered in today. There are 6 folks stuck in homer. They are a little cranky from what we are told. I hope they took out travel insurance. All 6 are here for only 2 days and at 2300 dollars for 2 days. Wellllllllllll I would get a little cranky too. But, in alaska never bet on the weather. As john and our travel buddies know. Sunny one min. And then 15 foot swells fo u the next.
Well did alot of work in camp today. Lots to be done even when u have weather. Right now it's 39 and 9 wind the birds are even chilly this eve.
Not much to report today. Just a big shout out to TORRI for graduating from HS u go girl. Sorry I missed it but the bears were calling.
WEll it's time to go sit by the fire share some laughs with our guests from vancouver whom are weatherd in here. Hope fully they will get out tomorrow. I can't wait to go and visit them. I shall be reporting later if everyone gets in tomorrow.
PS someone go to zebb's and nueter chris m the mgr.
Well did alot of work in camp today. Lots to be done even when u have weather. Right now it's 39 and 9 wind the birds are even chilly this eve.
Not much to report today. Just a big shout out to TORRI for graduating from HS u go girl. Sorry I missed it but the bears were calling.
WEll it's time to go sit by the fire share some laughs with our guests from vancouver whom are weatherd in here. Hope fully they will get out tomorrow. I can't wait to go and visit them. I shall be reporting later if everyone gets in tomorrow.
PS someone go to zebb's and nueter chris m the mgr.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Big bear TED arrives!
Well TED one of the giants of hallo bay, finally made his first appearance of the year almost a whopping 900lbs in the spring. He came walking along camp and then briskly down the beach. I managed to get a good shot of him looking back with the camera. What a sight!!! They say he is at least 20 years old. There is one other bear in the area that is older but he had a rough fall last year so we will be seeing if he made it through the winter. The circle of life out here. Kinda like me surviving in the wilderness. If I don't make it just feed me to the bears.
It was very cold today 44. THe sun is still out and the birds are still chirping. We were amazed today as from the am till early evening we watched a tree form leaves. How amazing is that.
Lots to do in camp today. We were up at 6 for a frieght flight. Since all of our needs are flown in on a bush plane then brought up the beach and then up a 80 foot hill. Also it's 150 miles aprox. to town.
Fannie the camp cook. Well she never stops but her ankle is a bad sprain. She should be in an aircast and off that thing for a week. But, the owners will be out tomorrow to look at it. She was icing it every few hours. But like most women in alaska you can keep a woman down here unless u cut her legs off.
I enjoyed a 3 hour nap today. Then tonite we did 2 hours of work.
A finale note a man whom own a hunting outdoor lodge 60 miles away just flew in for coffe!! yes just brought his plane over for coffe. His lodge is 8,000 per person a week. with a staff of 17. What an amazing guy. His lodge has been running since 1968 and is a grand place.
Well it is late and I should go to bed. Tomorrow we have 6 guests arriving and the camp cook finally is getting her but out here. so no more dishes for me. Except at nite after popcorn and desert.
till tomorrow...................
It was very cold today 44. THe sun is still out and the birds are still chirping. We were amazed today as from the am till early evening we watched a tree form leaves. How amazing is that.
Lots to do in camp today. We were up at 6 for a frieght flight. Since all of our needs are flown in on a bush plane then brought up the beach and then up a 80 foot hill. Also it's 150 miles aprox. to town.
Fannie the camp cook. Well she never stops but her ankle is a bad sprain. She should be in an aircast and off that thing for a week. But, the owners will be out tomorrow to look at it. She was icing it every few hours. But like most women in alaska you can keep a woman down here unless u cut her legs off.
I enjoyed a 3 hour nap today. Then tonite we did 2 hours of work.
A finale note a man whom own a hunting outdoor lodge 60 miles away just flew in for coffe!! yes just brought his plane over for coffe. His lodge is 8,000 per person a week. with a staff of 17. What an amazing guy. His lodge has been running since 1968 and is a grand place.
Well it is late and I should go to bed. Tomorrow we have 6 guests arriving and the camp cook finally is getting her but out here. so no more dishes for me. Except at nite after popcorn and desert.
till tomorrow...................
Monday, June 9, 2008
Beaver Fever!!
Well I knew that would get your attention. Apparently the beavers have left the area or they were someones snack! In alaska there is such a thing as beaver fever. It's caused by moose droppings in a stream and then we drink it and get very sick. See you learned something today.
Me welllllllllllll it was a busy day at camp. Cleaning cabins 3, toilets 2, 2 showers, more wood, installing some heaters, Then the camp mgr fell and sprained her ankle. Well my nap time was blown to hell in a handbasket. I had to take over for her today. I cooked dinner for all the guests and desert and also did all the dishes. Dinner was great I will not let out what I made but it was 5 courses.
Ahhhhhhhhh the pressure.
After dinner I did dishes for 30 min then headed down to the point. It is the area at the end of camp where the mail box is. It was a clear beautiful day here today and you could see 40 miles across the ocean to KENAI what a VIEW!!!! I sat out there hoping a bear would come and keep me company or make me go %$#!! my pants alone. Just kidding.
Me welllllllllllll it was a busy day at camp. Cleaning cabins 3, toilets 2, 2 showers, more wood, installing some heaters, Then the camp mgr fell and sprained her ankle. Well my nap time was blown to hell in a handbasket. I had to take over for her today. I cooked dinner for all the guests and desert and also did all the dishes. Dinner was great I will not let out what I made but it was 5 courses.
After dinner I did dishes for 30 min then headed down to the point. It is the area at the end of camp where the mail box is. It was a clear beautiful day here today and you could see 40 miles across the ocean to KENAI what a VIEW!!!! I sat out there hoping a bear would come and keep me company or make me go %$#!! my pants alone. Just kidding.
Today was very challenging. The owners are back in homer and there are 2 guides here and the guests If somethin goes wrong and you are 150 miles from people welllllllllll you are stuck. Fannie had a swollen ankle and luckily I have been thru the same thing. No walking for her for awhile. How about a RAISE!!! no such luck. I am the camp assistant. But, I think of our friend ruth in NYC and think of how she would just say. Who could say they did that!! I miss ruth.
Too all my friends and family out there thankyou for the support. I feel like I am at an AA meeting. I an babbling. That's what happens when u don't get your daily nap. I miss everyone and think of you often. To my cruise friends reading this. Big hugs.
Well we have a small plane bringing in cargo hopefully at 630am tomorrow. Or else food will be low. Just kidding. till tuesday nite peace
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Sunday in camp
Wow tomorrow will be a week since I have made the long journey to Alaska. How fast the time goes by when the sun sets for 3 hours a day right now. It's now 11pm and the birds are chirping away. Well Chopping wood is not my forte. BUT----- I did ALOT today enough for the whole month of june. That is saying alot. We will be bringing washed up cedar wood tomorrow and using the chain saw. Can someone say.........watch out witches Iknow how to use a chainsaw. I am looking forward to the camp being filled with people this week. We have been only have 2 guests at a time right now. Very private for them. I am pooped it was 58 and sunny all day. My beard continues to grow. I am not shaving. Yes just call me ole' griz.
Right now there is a huge SKEETER buzzing aroung me. about 3 inches long. I don't know how these buggers live up here but they luv to eat!!!!
I don't know if I am loosing weight up here. Fannie's cooking is amazing. Give that women 45 min and she has a 5 course meal. I think we all could learn from her.
Well hopefully we will see some bears tomorrow. But, now that the grass is avail. to eat it will mean tidal flats for them at low tide eating clams and grass at high tide. So far the older bears have made it through the winter.
Simyra the owner went to the whale carcus today. The whale which is smaller than a grey whale had 15 bears on it and napping in the area. All happy with a full belly. AMAZING I can't wait to see the pictures.
Well my lower 48 friends I must sign off. Ruth if u are reading. Hello back in NY. Have some ice cream for me.
till tomorrow.
ps I guess allie the pupp ate my passport today. I was going to bring it with me. YIKES
Right now there is a huge SKEETER buzzing aroung me. about 3 inches long. I don't know how these buggers live up here but they luv to eat!!!!
I don't know if I am loosing weight up here. Fannie's cooking is amazing. Give that women 45 min and she has a 5 course meal. I think we all could learn from her.
Well hopefully we will see some bears tomorrow. But, now that the grass is avail. to eat it will mean tidal flats for them at low tide eating clams and grass at high tide. So far the older bears have made it through the winter.
Simyra the owner went to the whale carcus today. The whale which is smaller than a grey whale had 15 bears on it and napping in the area. All happy with a full belly. AMAZING I can't wait to see the pictures.
Well my lower 48 friends I must sign off. Ruth if u are reading. Hello back in NY. Have some ice cream for me.
till tomorrow.
ps I guess allie the pupp ate my passport today. I was going to bring it with me. YIKES
Saturday at bear camp
Hi everyone!!!
Wow the sun was out today and it was a glorious50 but better wear the sunblock the sun is intense here. Right now it's 1110pm and its still sunny out. The plants again have grown a good 4 inches over yesterday. The birds are still chirping and the bears are still eating. I can hear the ocean pounding away from where I am sitting.
The day was Hard but great. We rebuilt the stairs on a 30 foots hill leading into bear camp. Having to dig it out and then haul sand and stones from the beach. YES I spent half my day at the beach. No suits here though. Bears were out today. Ursula was right with us and her 2.5 year old cub and another bear was down the beach with 2 cubs. I got some great photos not to close since I am working you know. I again was left alone in bear camp to fend for myself. I decided to just write in my journal.
The stairs are done. 5 hours only. I alos chopped alot of wood today. Tomorrow I will be spending on the beach. No suits again but collecting drift wood for the fire. Mainly it is cedar that washes up in katmai national park. I love that smell. So it shall be a challenging day.
We are without a cook at camp right now so i am baking and made more cookies from scratch today.
The BEARS were just w
onderful. How many people can say they are working on a beach. With the grizzly bears all day. We then hung out by the mail box in the picture called the point for about 2 hours and enjoyed the sun and laughter.
I never thought at this point in my life I would ever be given the chance to do this or that it was ever out there. How can once return to normal life when for 30 day's this is NORMAL!!
So for everyone out there yes I am working my ass off. But when I feel lonely I look at the mountians, ocean, bears on the beach, the glacier behind the camp and I am reminded of the JOURNEY.
Well off to bed ..........It is my job to shut camp down for the nite and check for bears and close down the galley.
Till the next post. Or I end up on CNN "man eaten on beach by bear for lunch"
Wow the sun was out today and it was a glorious50 but better wear the sunblock the sun is intense here. Right now it's 1110pm and its still sunny out. The plants again have grown a good 4 inches over yesterday. The birds are still chirping and the bears are still eating. I can hear the ocean pounding away from where I am sitting.
The day was Hard but great. We rebuilt the stairs on a 30 foots hill leading into bear camp. Having to dig it out and then haul sand and stones from the beach. YES I spent half my day at the beach. No suits here though. Bears were out today. Ursula was right with us and her 2.5 year old cub and another bear was down the beach with 2 cubs. I got some great photos not to close since I am working you know. I again was left alone in bear camp to fend for myself. I decided to just write in my journal.
The stairs are done. 5 hours only. I alos chopped alot of wood today. Tomorrow I will be spending on the beach. No suits again but collecting drift wood for the fire. Mainly it is cedar that washes up in katmai national park. I love that smell. So it shall be a challenging day.
We are without a cook at camp right now so i am baking and made more cookies from scratch today.
The BEARS were just w
I never thought at this point in my life I would ever be given the chance to do this or that it was ever out there. How can once return to normal life when for 30 day's this is NORMAL!!
So for everyone out there yes I am working my ass off. But when I feel lonely I look at the mountians, ocean, bears on the beach, the glacier behind the camp and I am reminded of the JOURNEY.
Well off to bed ..........It is my job to shut camp down for the nite and check for bears and close down the galley.
Till the next post. Or I end up on CNN "man eaten on beach by bear for lunch"
Friday, June 6, 2008
Hello everyone in the lower 48 :) Wow what a day. The sun was out and the bears have been around on the beach. I worked my but off today. I feel like a carpenter and plumber now. Where is the margaritas............. Someone have something for me. The day was just beautiful.in the 50's and sunny. We could see all the way to the meadow a mile away because there is no grass yet but it is growing. 4 inches since yesterday. Things grow big and fast in alaska. I have my camp radio. Bear flares. Now it is my popcorn time. Hopefully I can sleep tonite. I did take a nap today.
If there are any bear sightings i will let u know. Ursula has been around with her one cub.
Well till tomorrow. just grin and bear it :)
If there are any bear sightings i will let u know. Ursula has been around with her one cub.
Well till tomorrow. just grin and bear it :)
First email from Chris
Part of first email from Chris:
Sorry about the later then planned e-mail. We left late yesterday. Wow what a flight. flight through the clouds was testy as sally would say.
The beach is all c
hanged the sand buildup is different. There is and eagle nest on the rock and they are flying around. How cool is that. They are calling me the bitch or camp slave. I have my own camp radio and they just gave me 2 bear flares...camp is great cold........................wet....................I baked a cake today..........I am fixing oil heaters.DO NOT MAKE any plans for me when i get home.............I want to float in the pool..................
Sorry about the later then planned e-mail. We left late yesterday. Wow what a flight. flight through the clouds was testy as sally would say.
The beach is all c
More Info from camp
Helping Chris out a bit. Here is some more info from his email.
"Hello.......Well RAIN and rain..........I found my Sudafed.........and foot crème. It is hard work.....like the wood and maintance. But I have free range of the camp unlike the guides just me and Fannie and I can go to the beach.
In August...........the BBC and the London times are coming for several weeks
Very tired today.......I am the nightly entertainment man with deserts and making the popcorn per symira. I also get to sleep in everyday. At least 8 to 830.......since bedtime for me is after 11 or later...............I do get afternoon down time..........but I am glad I made the journey
Well I will get pictures of me doing work when it is not raining............I cant wait to see the whale carcass pic if it is not blurry. I have to write in my journal...........since I haven't' in 2 days...................more people tomorrow if weather permits.... next week it starts to fill up
Well I will go I will write tomorrow afternoon and eve...................no morning time to do it here............."
I have some more info to post later today.....Did not foward it to proper account.
"Hello.......Well RAIN and rain..........I found my Sudafed.........and foot crème. It is hard work.....like the wood and maintance. But I have free range of the camp unlike the guides just me and Fannie and I can go to the beach.
In August...........the BBC and the London times are coming for several weeks
Very tired today.......I am the nightly entertainment man with deserts and making the popcorn per symira. I also get to sleep in everyday. At least 8 to 830.......since bedtime for me is after 11 or later...............I do get afternoon down time..........but I am glad I made the journey
Well I will get pictures of me doing work when it is not raining............I cant wait to see the whale carcass pic if it is not blurry. I have to write in my journal...........since I haven't' in 2 days...................more people tomorrow if weather permits.... next week it starts to fill up
Well I will go I will write tomorrow afternoon and eve...................no morning time to do it here............."
I have some more info to post later today.....Did not foward it to proper account.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Alive in HAllo Bay----- FINALLY day 2 !!!
Hello Everyone!
Well I finally made it to bear camp. We made it out of homer around 630pm. The flight was about an hour. We flew low and through alot of clouds. Upon approaching camp we flew over a WHALE carcus that 5 bears were having dinner. Better the whale then me. I have survived 24hours in camp. My cabin/tent is great. It got down to 32 last nite and is 40 right now with moderate rain and wind. Spring has not been kind to this part of alaska. Everything is growing like crazy with 20 hours of light. I am GLAD I am here and thankyou for everyones support. I have my garfield b
lanket but forgot my pictures and my sudafed.!!!!! no sudafed for 20 something days. YIKES!!!
I made my first cake today from scratch and chopped wood and now I am fixing the oil heaters. For the next round or campers. I am amazed at this place. It is like home and that is odd. Do I really have to return to rochester.
Life is good. I have blended in and lot's of laughs. I will check in hopefully everyday.
PS.. They asked me to come back for the month of august......................I will be montana thought can I do both.
Bearcampper signing off xoxoxoxo chris
Well I finally made it to bear camp. We made it out of homer around 630pm. The flight was about an hour. We flew low and through alot of clouds. Upon approaching camp we flew over a WHALE carcus that 5 bears were having dinner. Better the whale then me. I have survived 24hours in camp. My cabin/tent is great. It got down to 32 last nite and is 40 right now with moderate rain and wind. Spring has not been kind to this part of alaska. Everything is growing like crazy with 20 hours of light. I am GLAD I am here and thankyou for everyones support. I have my garfield b
I made my first cake today from scratch and chopped wood and now I am fixing the oil heaters. For the next round or campers. I am amazed at this place. It is like home and that is odd. Do I really have to return to rochester.
Life is good. I have blended in and lot's of laughs. I will check in hopefully everyday.
PS.. They asked me to come back for the month of august......................I will be montana thought can I do both.
Bearcampper signing off xoxoxoxo chris
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Stuck in Anchorage for another night. Hope to Fly out to Homer in the AM
Homer web cam http://www.hallobay.com/Web_Cam.htm
Due to low clouds bush plans cant fly. The need to have eye contact with the ground at all times.
Homer web cam http://www.hallobay.com/Web_Cam.htm
Due to low clouds bush plans cant fly. The need to have eye contact with the ground at all times.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Well it is a few days late but Chris in on his way to Alaska
Rochester to Cleveland
Cleveland to Detroit
Detroit to Anchorage......
Anchorage to Homer......and finally on to Hallo Bay.
Rochester to Cleveland
Cleveland to Detroit
Detroit to Anchorage......
Anchorage to Homer......and finally on to Hallo Bay.
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