Well Hello all my friends all over the globe whom have been reading this daily. Jen and Andy have a great time in glaicer snow or not!!! Okay.....So it was a very busy day in camp....NO NAP early frieght flight at 8 am lots of fuel...........Then symira came back to camp with 2 of her best friends. Well was I in for a treat. They are witter than me. If u all know what I mean. So I went to the meadow on a private tour with them for 4 hours. WOW we basically spent 2 hours in from of a bear john and I saw last year and her year old cub. WO W WOW WOW they were 9.5 feet from me most of the time.

We measured. The pictures were amazing!!! I was tooooooooo close ...I filled the memory card in one hour..............Then we came home.............it was a sunny day in the meadow..dinner was allready for us. Then her friends had such fun with chris go figure. They wanted to play a trick on me. I was the GUIDE tonite. For all 3. We could not get to the meadow till I answered all the questions about the plants ect. I was the leader down the beach and thru nancy's trail. With my BEAR FLARE in hand. symari did not pull her's out. I was in charge of the radio. Then I had to finds the bears to see and find a safe place to sit. WOW. rosie was napping with her 2 2.5 year old cubs on the flats since it was soo hot. Then 3 sub adults bears...............whom are 5-6 but live together and play together till it's time to grow up.......came into the area..........WHAT A SHOW!!!! Then I ran out of memory ....And the battery

DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then her friends had another task. I had to find wildlife for them.....and take pictures............ and back thru nancys meadow I had to find 2 plant's that only simyra knew where in bloom but not in the flower books....................I FOUND BOTH!!!!! She was blown away because the other guides could not find them..........She waid I was great. If I loose more of my wieght next year I will be a guide at HALLO BAY for the summer. I know there is no cameras!!! But what an adventure...............So tomorrow is my last day. Since I had this big hurrah.............I am soo relaxed .........I am very sad to leave. BUT it has been alot of work..28 day's I will have been here come tuesday.. Tomorrow I have to pack it all up.......But there is one problem.......we have a BIG storm system off to the west over the bering sea. It is not supposed to get here till wed. BUT in alaska the weather u can no predict till u get up the next morning...........especially with the bush pilots.....................
I am going to get some sleep..................I will fill u in more tomorrow..Missing u all...........but not the lower 48................bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's
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