If only I could sleep.........................no naps the last 2 days........The camp cook is still here...I will let u know more tomorrow I think she is getting voted of tomorrow am..big hush hush. They woman needs to go. She lied about even being a cook.....#@!!!!!
Well I did my laps on the beach today. Alone with a lone bear in the distance..10 laps almost a mile. ME and the amazing view.
So everyone the fuel barrels bigger than an suv made it up the HILL was not fun .........but we got them up the hill.....I have pics.
I didn't get my first guest complain today. I was to chipper for breakfast. How dare the staff have fun. It should be serious work out here for u young fold. NO LAUGHING.. Okay where the hell is the next plane to get these brits back home to there island. The best part is they thought we had a towel and soap rental......................:)
Missing everyone today and then know soon I will be missing here. I can see how one might come here for the summer and not adjust to everyday life. We have gotten such characters here.
Plus why don't people tip. I think I coverd that one before. But give me a break..If i am wiping the skid marks off the toilet seat from your sorry behind leave the camp staff a tip. Yes today there was a skid mark on the toilet seat. Raise your hand if u do that at home and just leave it there till someone comes over to clean it for u.
Well I didn't let kathy and al in thehouse when the probably had to use the lu...........but that was differnt the house was dirty........I didn't leave shit for them..........sorry ranting.............
Okay.................The best part tonite. The cook made rice and everyone thought it was mashed potatoes........................eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk......
I have been bad to almost a week has gone by since I have not written in my journal. I at least have stayed up for all my dear friends to type away. The bar stays open late here lots of margaritas. The bear beer seems to sell out fast!!
Also sorry there is no cam to wave at everyone from camp. The compture guy sold them the wrong stuff. The equipment is at the house but now that fuel is thru the roof it's on hold. By the time fuel to heat the cabins arrives here. guess...........It is 20$ a gallon to heat a cabin with diesel.
so its ration time.
Well nothing else to report. Tomorrow I will get a nap if it kills me......unless the fire the cook. At least I showered for the first time in how many days.. Everyone smells so just join in the fun!!