Thursday, June 5, 2008

Alive in HAllo Bay----- FINALLY day 2 !!!

Hello Everyone!
Well I finally made it to bear camp. We made it out of homer around 630pm. The flight was about an hour. We flew low and through alot of clouds. Upon approaching camp we flew over a WHALE carcus that 5 bears were having dinner. Better the whale then me. I have survived 24hours in camp. My cabin/tent is great. It got down to 32 last nite and is 40 right now with moderate rain and wind. Spring has not been kind to this part of alaska. Everything is growing like crazy with 20 hours of light. I am GLAD I am here and thankyou for everyones support. I have my garfield blanket but forgot my pictures and my sudafed.!!!!! no sudafed for 20 something days. YIKES!!!

I made my first cake today from scratch and chopped wood and now I am fixing the oil heaters. For the next round or campers. I am amazed at this place. It is like home and that is odd. Do I really have to return to rochester.

Life is good. I have blended in and lot's of laughs. I will check in hopefully everyday.

PS.. They asked me to come back for the month of august......................I will be montana thought can I do both.

Bearcampper signing off xoxoxoxo chris


youdrinkit said...
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anonbeardude said...
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Calicat said...
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Katmai Bear Dude said...

Well it's me the real camp asst. I would reall like to know who is leaving the MEAN comments......wanna talk bring it on......grow up people clint and simyra are the greatest people to work for.....also...phil and I did the wood for june........fannie went to town for awhile for a sprained ankle........and was not allowed on the beach till bite me..........