Saturday, June 28, 2008

TGIF!!! with the bears.

Well it's my last friday here at hallo bay. It does not seem possible. I feel like it is sooooooo strange that I have been here for so long and have not gone crazy. Not even missing my tv remote. I do miss the ICE CREAM........:) SO the weather finally cleared this am. We did have a bit of a scare thought we lost a plaen for 1.5 hours they were stuck in the clouds and had to turn around and go back to homer. SO then the sun came out and it was a wonderful 50 today and sunny.. Ursula and her cub urso we rolling around on the beach. I was greedy I didn't take a picture thinkin they would come farther down the beach. They didn't. Those bears can be be sneaky at times. The camp mgr is back in town for her days off...........till next friday for her leg..The camp cook.........well her daughter whom has been with her. She has been voted off the island. She goes home tomorrow. Me I have SURVIVED.....Hauling drinkable human waste to a hill and dumping it................. Also laughing and smiling when people tell a story and then realizing I wasn't listening at all..Crap I hope they don't ask me to reply. The things u do in a wilderness camp. Tony from the office is here. HE was sorry for the mis communication about me leaving.. . I have been invited back to work all next summer. So we shall see. I might be a guide. I think that would be amazing........Well as of now my last full day of work is sunday. I fly out monday. There are guests leaving monday so I know I can get out. Otherwise it would not be till wed. My replacement.....they were hoping to have me train him. don't know if that will happen........................So I will keep u posted..........I know I thought I would have cracked by now. NO I have not EVEN RUN through camp as the streaker..................wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee................So I will fly up to anchorage and then frive back to homer and do some sight EATING..........and seeing....... Yes chris has to stop for the salmon chowder. All you foodies out there.......IT is AMAZING.......So on a finale note. We had a guest who left today. He spent 1 hour 20 min in the bathroom what the HELL was he doing in there for so long. I think her was trying to hide from his wife. The last place I would want to sit for that long is in the outhouse!!!!!
Till tomorrow....................time for my bear ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's

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